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 ID:   3022.00
Catégorie:   451 - Poésie anciénne Persan - [prose et poètes du passé - en persan]
Auteur(s):  Ferdossi,   Ferdossi,   
Titre:   An Abridged version of Bizhan and Manizha
Langue:   Persan/Anglais
Edition:   Iranian Oil Operating Campanies - 1965
Theme:   A Story taken from the Shahnama of Firdausi - This book commemorates the 25th year of the reign of H.I.M Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Arya Mehr, Shahanshah of Iran
Obs:   [Pages:263]
Exemplaires:   1 (A28)
Aperçu:   - Vide -